
Showing posts from December, 2011

New Beginnings

Its interesting to see how many people long for a new beginning, especially this time of year. Whether its new resolutions, renewed promises to ones self, or a hope that in the next year things will be better - we can't help but look for new beginnings. Its like we all keep looking for a better fit for our life. We all want to be happier, wealthier, richer in friends and family, have more opportunities, be loved, give freely, and on and on. No matter how hard we try though, we still feel like something is missing. I believe we will always feel that way until the Kingdom of God is fully realized. Then things will be new every morning and through Christ we will live without limits for ever and ever. We will always feel fulfilled and completely satisfied, yet long to experience more of all that we receive from the Lord. Without Jesus Christ there is no new beginning, only emptiness. If you don't know Christ, then make that committment as you begin this new year. Don't mis

Finish Strong

I was reminded the other day how important it is to finish strong. It's so tempting to slow down or give up when we get weary, but that's the time to push forward even more. Christ will be strong in our weakness. This life is nothing more than an opportunity to grow in Christ, learn, and mature. Its not a time to accumulate things or live life our own way. Don't waste your time on temporal things that will fade away. Love people, love your family, serve others, be a generous giver, speak the Word, pursue Christ with your whole being - those are things worth your time. Don't let up, be willing to loose your life to find it. My eyes are fixed on eternity. I believe God's Word is true and I will rule and reign with Him in a new heaven and a new earth. Now is the time to learn and grow and prepare. Now is the time to finish strong.