The "Haves" and the "Have Nots"

I was reminded this weekend that there is often a very big gap between those that have everything and those that have nothing. My wife and I got to go away for two nights to a very nice hotel on a work trip. We were definitely mingling with a higher social bracket. We left the lap of luxury to go home and I saw a homeless man walking down the street and I thought of how ironic it is that there is such a disparity among those that have and those that don't have as far as material things. I thought about what many people are missing out on by not giving when God leads them to give, and loving all who God brings in their path. Its not about material things though because those who have much can be just as lost as those with nothing. I think about when Peter and John did not have any silver and gold to give, but they gave a lame man the Spirit of God within them and he was healed. We may seek equality in our society and even with a good heart desire to give of what we have to those who are less blessed, but what this world really needs is for us to share the Life of Christ that lives within us. It does not matter if you have much or a little, but just that you have Jesus!

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