
Showing posts from April, 2007

No Turning Back

I was talking to a friend the other day and they said they have come too far in God to turn back now. I agree. I feel like Peter when he tells our Lord "To whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life". Peter had made a decision that he could not go back. Many people I encounter don't feel that way. Unless we are not willing to let go of everything, but Christ, then we are not true disciples. We have not taken up our cross to follow Him anywhere. There is no growth for those people. They will only experience a shadow of what God has really intended for their life. They will stand with their small lunch behind their back refusing to turn it over to the Master. They will settle for 5 loaves and 2 fishes and miss the miracle. They will eat and be filled for about one day and then they will be hungry again. Let go of your life! Make a decision to move forward in Christ and not look back. Jesus will fill you so that you will never desire to turn back agai


I've added a link on the right side of my Blog page for the new podcasting we have for our church. Check out Pastor Terry's sermons when you get a chance. Good Stuff! You can also find tons of audio sermons at the following links: Sermon Index Sermon Audio Discipleship Library Enjoy

Out of Touch

I listened to a message today of a man who God saved from a life of drug addiction. This man had a tone of love and thankfulness in his voice for Christ that I have not heard in a while. There was a desperation in his words to know Christ and bring the lost to know Him. We say we're desperate and we sing about it, but we have really lost touch with Christ in many way. We have lost touch with an unsaved world and the fact that they will spend eternity in Hell if they do not come to know Christ. We have somehow made it the "In" thing now to reach out to the community and be the church out there in the world. I'm not arguing that is what Christ intended for the church to do, and I agree we spend far too much time preaching to the choir instead of the unredeemed, but as usual, we have made it into another movement or the next best thing complete with buzz words, books, and TV specials. I wish we could just forget about all that and go love people. This drug addict