A Time to Give Thanks

God is so good to me I don't know where to begin to thank Him. Its only because of Him that I can give Him thanks. He gives me life and breath and a voice to speak, He gives me this appointed time on earth to live for Him, He has given me my precious Savior who makes all things possible. He has lavished His abundant grace and love upon me and all I can do is fall at His feet and worship.

Thank you Jesus for my wonderful wife who you have given to me for ten awesome years as of tomorrow. She is amazing and sometimes I love her so much I can't breath when I think about it. She honors me and strengthens me and lifts me up because she loves the Lord with all her heart. She is the best example I know of someone who gives themselves sacrificially in service to others as she serves our family day after day. I am absolutely, 100% committed to spend everyday of the rest of my life with her, serving her, and loving her, and I know that everything God will do in and through our life together will last for all eternity. I love you sweetheart.

And of course I need to thank the Lord for those two incredible kids in that picture up there. I see the love of Jesus in their eyes everyday (well, most days). Help me walk in Your ways Jesus so they will too. If I do nothing else in this world but pour myself out for the three people in that picture, I think Jesus will say "Well done". I can't thank Him enough for giving me that privilege.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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