The Goodness of God

I have to say I have been overwhelmed lately about how good God is. So often it is difficult for us to see past our present circumstances and hardships. The disappointments and failures of this life that press in on us and imprint on our spirits. I was reminded yesterday that even in the midst of the storm we are Kingdom people and we live by the goodness and grace of a loving God. I want to stand up and shout that from the rooftops. I want to live and flourish and prosper in the abundance God has dreamed for my life. I want to live in spite of a fallen world with fallen people and lost hopes. I want people to see that Jesus is the only answer to every question and that they too can come into the goodness of our God.

I used to have a hard time seeing the goodness of God in the trying events of my life and the lives of those around me. I would hold on to the simple fact that I knew God was Good and His Word was true. I walked through those events by faith believing in a goodness that I had not yet seen manifested in my life. It's right that we do that, but walking by faith should lead us to a place of walking in love. God want us to not just be a faithful servant, but a loving friend.

I have taken time to ask God to help me see His goodness, help me really feel His love for me personally. God wants to reveal those things to our spirits. Now when I think over my life or look into the desperate times others may be experiencing, I still struggle at times to walk by faith, but I also see the goodness of God rising like the dawn. His goodness will cover every area of our life, every thought and emotion. His love will sweep over us and overpower every hopeless, negative thought. Who is like our God? Who is mighty to save His people and bring them through by His strength and goodness?

The problem with the world today and most of what we incorrectly call the church, is not the influence and work of evil, but the absence of the good.Who will stand with me and shout out the goodness of our God. Lets be the Kingdom people we were born to be and bring others into God's great love and eternal goodness.

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