Seth is growing up so fast. It hit me on Wednesday as he turned 9 that this critical season of time I have with him while he is still in our home is half over. He has such strength and courage that I need to continue to develop. I've decided this year I'm making a covenant agreement with him for us to accomplish certain goals this year. Got the idea from Mark Batterson and I know the Lord will bless it. We'll set some physical and spiritual goals to accomplish together. We need to plan some camping and hiking, finish reading the Chronicles of Narnia, and plan a trip to go somewhere we have never been before. We have also set a goal for our family to raise 1k to buy a well in India. I am very excited about that one. I hope to take Seth over there in a few years. Its a life changing experience.
Looking forward to my date with Abbey next week. We are going to see the Hannah Montana movie.