Missional Money Mindset
There has been a lot of talk about missional living lately. I'm all for it. The church needs to get out in the communities where we live, and where we work and be an example of Christ. For most people this is not easy and it takes a real transformation in our thinking.
I have found though that whats even harder for many believers is to change the way they think about money. In every community in America we are currently experiencing an economic famine. Like Joseph did in Egypt, I hope we have allowed God to speak to us about storing up resource to help those who are in need. What better way to be missional than to step up and let God give generously through your life. The truth is though that most of the church is no better off. Its not about how much money you have, but what you do with it and who your trusting in. Can we demonstrate to those around us that God loves them and wants to meet their needs no matter what their situation? Rom. 13:8 says to owe no man anything, but to love your neighbor. I think we have overlooked that verse for too long because its not convenient. The path to freedom in any area of our lives is loving God and loving others.
Missional giving will require us to give of our self, our own money, and our own time. We can't leave it all up to the "church" or the leadership. We are the church so if someone is in need, get your wallet out and help. Don't wait and miss the opportunity God is presenting you with. I no longer think of it as giving money away, I see it as investing in the Kingdom of God, and I can't think of a better investment than that.
I have found though that whats even harder for many believers is to change the way they think about money. In every community in America we are currently experiencing an economic famine. Like Joseph did in Egypt, I hope we have allowed God to speak to us about storing up resource to help those who are in need. What better way to be missional than to step up and let God give generously through your life. The truth is though that most of the church is no better off. Its not about how much money you have, but what you do with it and who your trusting in. Can we demonstrate to those around us that God loves them and wants to meet their needs no matter what their situation? Rom. 13:8 says to owe no man anything, but to love your neighbor. I think we have overlooked that verse for too long because its not convenient. The path to freedom in any area of our lives is loving God and loving others.
Missional giving will require us to give of our self, our own money, and our own time. We can't leave it all up to the "church" or the leadership. We are the church so if someone is in need, get your wallet out and help. Don't wait and miss the opportunity God is presenting you with. I no longer think of it as giving money away, I see it as investing in the Kingdom of God, and I can't think of a better investment than that.