Standing At The Cross
I wanted to share some quotes from my good friend Oswald Chambers. He went to be with the Lord in 1917, but if he were still here, we'd definitely be friends.
"The most devout among us are too flippant about this great subject of the death of Jesus Christ. When we stand before the Cross, is our every commonplace pious mood stripped off, or do we get caught up by the modern spirit and think of the Cross only as delivering us from sin, or as a type of sanctification? " 1
What is it like to stand before the cross? How will we respond? There is no hiding or pretense there as we stand open before our creator. Will we be afraid? Will we want to run and cover ourselves as Adam and Eve did when they sinned? We cover our life everyday with self pride, religious counterfeits, busyness, self serving activities and relationships. When we stand before the cross, there is no hiding. We have a choice to run or stand firm. Standing means death. It means I must pass through the cross and leave everything behind so that my life can be like His. Death must give way to new life, to love, to compassion, and to holiness.
I choose to stand and allow the Holy Spirit to begin His probing work as He brings every thought to the surface. Its not a quick death, I have to choose to let go of each thought and each aspect of my identity. I have to face the fact that I am selfish and then let it go. I must realize that I don't love others and then let it go. I am compelled to admit that I have my own agenda and ambitions and then let them all go. I have to watch as the Holy Spirit digs deep and bring out the root of fear in my life. I have to see it in all its ugliness and then allow it to fall upon Jesus. One at a time, every area of my life is stripped away and thrown upon Jesus. He is my Savior and my Redeemer. Jesus has taken my sins today and only He can gives me new life. Tomorrow I will need to come again and stand humbly before Him. Tomorrow I will need to cast all my fears and pride and sinfulness upon Him again that I might live again. Tomorrow I can pass through the cross again and love and give and taste of freedom. I can live because Jesus died. I can live because He lives. That's the kind of wonderful Savior the Father has given us. He saves me and rescues me again and again and again because He loves me and I love him.
1 (1996, c1960). The philosophy of sin : And other studies on the problem of man's moral life. Hants UK: Marshall, Morgan & Scott.
"The most devout among us are too flippant about this great subject of the death of Jesus Christ. When we stand before the Cross, is our every commonplace pious mood stripped off, or do we get caught up by the modern spirit and think of the Cross only as delivering us from sin, or as a type of sanctification? " 1
What is it like to stand before the cross? How will we respond? There is no hiding or pretense there as we stand open before our creator. Will we be afraid? Will we want to run and cover ourselves as Adam and Eve did when they sinned? We cover our life everyday with self pride, religious counterfeits, busyness, self serving activities and relationships. When we stand before the cross, there is no hiding. We have a choice to run or stand firm. Standing means death. It means I must pass through the cross and leave everything behind so that my life can be like His. Death must give way to new life, to love, to compassion, and to holiness.
I choose to stand and allow the Holy Spirit to begin His probing work as He brings every thought to the surface. Its not a quick death, I have to choose to let go of each thought and each aspect of my identity. I have to face the fact that I am selfish and then let it go. I must realize that I don't love others and then let it go. I am compelled to admit that I have my own agenda and ambitions and then let them all go. I have to watch as the Holy Spirit digs deep and bring out the root of fear in my life. I have to see it in all its ugliness and then allow it to fall upon Jesus. One at a time, every area of my life is stripped away and thrown upon Jesus. He is my Savior and my Redeemer. Jesus has taken my sins today and only He can gives me new life. Tomorrow I will need to come again and stand humbly before Him. Tomorrow I will need to cast all my fears and pride and sinfulness upon Him again that I might live again. Tomorrow I can pass through the cross again and love and give and taste of freedom. I can live because Jesus died. I can live because He lives. That's the kind of wonderful Savior the Father has given us. He saves me and rescues me again and again and again because He loves me and I love him.
1 (1996, c1960). The philosophy of sin : And other studies on the problem of man's moral life. Hants UK: Marshall, Morgan & Scott.