Thriving on Chaos
It seems like never before we are living in a time of Chaos. The enemy is seeking to steal kill and destroy and He is using chaos as a tool to brings fear, confusion, and doubt. Chaos will rip us apart if we try to control it in an attempt to bring order and peace to our own life. God is the only force in the universe that can work all things together to bring about His good, perfect, complete, and ordered will. That doesn't just happen in spite of how often we wrongly quote Rom 8:28. We are co-laborers with Christ and God requires our participation to bring about the ordered good of His purpose, and the focus here is not good for me, but the good for him. My life will receive good and be blessed when I line up with the Father's will. A life not centered on Jesus is dark, meaningless, and chaotic at best.
We can thrive in chaos if we completely release our will and purpose to God. We can embrace each day in a chaotic world if we blindly follow His Spirit. We need to learn how to let go and step into the storm confident that Jesus will be a shield around us and He will bring us to a place of order. He will shield us and surround us with His own purpose.
"To thrive amidst chaos means to cope or come to grips with it, to succeed in spite of it. But that is too reactive an approach, and misses the point. The true objective is to take the chaos as given and learn to thrive on it." - Tom Peters