Number 274
Its a priviledge for me to be involved with XA Network and see first hand the powerful things God is doing in the next generation. God is stirring in them new methods, new creative ideas, and a new passion for Jesus Christ. If you have a chance, check out Pastor Terry's posts on a Lost Generation.
Sometimes as I'm praying for my children or I see them playing or interacting with others, I am overwhelmed by the endless potential that awaits them. They will stand on mountain tops and rule over nations in God's Kingdom. I've heard alot lately about the previous generation and the next genration. I think most of us could put ourself in both categories. At (almost) 40, I feel I'm still part of the next generation. There is much in the next 20+ years that God has for me to do. Like Samuel, I hear my Lord's voice and with all my heart I say "Speak Lord, your servant is listening". Yet at the same time, I am already provisioning and preparing my son to replace me and go far beyond what I could ever imagine. I am convinced that God works at both levels at the same time. I am pressing forward to reach farther into God and experience His fullness and fruitfulness. The more I do, the more I have to give and the farther my children will go beyond me. David did not stop pressing forward in his own life and because of that He was able to set Solomon up with a greater level of success. Was it just the money David provided or the enemies David fought? I think it was much more than that. Solomon saw first hand how a mighty man of God trusts in the Lord and walks humbly before Him. I know David was fighting with his last breath to gain more ground spiritually for himself and for his son.
As for me, I will not waste one moment. I will run after God and pursue Him for myself, my wife, my children, and for their children. The goodness of the Lord will flow down through the generations one hundred fold and bring forth fruit for His kingdom. My God will accomplish this because His Word says He will and because He has promised it to me.
Sometimes as I'm praying for my children or I see them playing or interacting with others, I am overwhelmed by the endless potential that awaits them. They will stand on mountain tops and rule over nations in God's Kingdom. I've heard alot lately about the previous generation and the next genration. I think most of us could put ourself in both categories. At (almost) 40, I feel I'm still part of the next generation. There is much in the next 20+ years that God has for me to do. Like Samuel, I hear my Lord's voice and with all my heart I say "Speak Lord, your servant is listening". Yet at the same time, I am already provisioning and preparing my son to replace me and go far beyond what I could ever imagine. I am convinced that God works at both levels at the same time. I am pressing forward to reach farther into God and experience His fullness and fruitfulness. The more I do, the more I have to give and the farther my children will go beyond me. David did not stop pressing forward in his own life and because of that He was able to set Solomon up with a greater level of success. Was it just the money David provided or the enemies David fought? I think it was much more than that. Solomon saw first hand how a mighty man of God trusts in the Lord and walks humbly before Him. I know David was fighting with his last breath to gain more ground spiritually for himself and for his son.
As for me, I will not waste one moment. I will run after God and pursue Him for myself, my wife, my children, and for their children. The goodness of the Lord will flow down through the generations one hundred fold and bring forth fruit for His kingdom. My God will accomplish this because His Word says He will and because He has promised it to me.