Meditating on Jesus

In Ps 1:2, David tells us that our delight is to be in the law of the Lord, and in this law we are to meditate day and night.  I won't take the time to go into any depth on this, but I think its safe to say the law or the Word or the scriptures and Jesus are one in the same.  Yes, there is the written Word, but Jesus is the embodyment of the living Word. 

What does it mean to meditate on Jesus day and night.  I've been convicted lately about how often I come to Him in prayer with all my bagadge, problems, hurts, and needs.  There is nothing wrong with that because the Word tells us to let our petitions be made known, but it also tells us to cast or cares upon Him.  That means to throw them off at Jesus feet like taking a heavey backpack off.  I'm afraid too often I carry it to him, then carry it back again, then carry it back the next day and so on.  We need to cast our cares upon him and leave them there.  Jesus knows every need and we can trust Him with all the cimcumstances of our life.

When we cast off our cares upon Him then we can enter into a place of rest and meditation.  I know I need to let everything else go and clear my mind before I can even think about spending some good quality time with Jesus.  After all, its really all about Him.  We're not used to meditating on Jesus as a real "person" that we can fellowship with.  I believe there is a place of rest and fellowship wth Jesus that is far greater than we can imagine.  I know I want to live in that place.

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