A Healthy Church
Starting to get into the swing of things with my new classes "Church & Ministry" and "Systematic Theology". You have to be motivated and schedule your time well to do online classes. I have weekly deadlines, but its still easy to skip a few nights and get behind. I have to write a 500 word blog every week for the Church & Ministry class so I may not be posting here as much, or I may post my class blog here as well.
My blog topic for this week is "Biblical descriptions of a healthy church today". Here are some highlights to digest.
6 essential qualities from "Natural Church Development: A Guide to Eight Essential Qualities of Healthy Churches" by Christian Schwarz
My blog topic for this week is "Biblical descriptions of a healthy church today". Here are some highlights to digest.
- The Central vision and the primary purpose of the church should be "Ministry to the Lord", and the secondary purpose being ministry to people. (Can't stress this one enough)
- A Victorious, militant church - Mt. 16:18-19
- A Unified church - John 17, Acts 2
- A Glorious Church - Eph. 5:27
6 essential qualities from "Natural Church Development: A Guide to Eight Essential Qualities of Healthy Churches" by Christian Schwarz
- An empowering leadership - empowering people to do the work of ministry according to Eph 4
- Gift oriented ministry - gifts in use to do the ministry of the church
- Negotiable form - structure and governing is flexable
- Inspiring people - through worship, discipleship, ministry
- Need oriented evangelistic efforts - Serving and being Jesus to your community
- Holistic small groups