
Showing posts from July, 2012


Image These past two years God has taught me the value of emptiness. Every once in a while its good to create some space in your life, get rid of the clutter, and embrace the emptiness.Our natural tendency is to always be full, always be doing something, and hold the various aspects of our life close. Especially when it comes to spiritual things. We have a mistaken idea that more is better. What you're doing may be good, but unless you are willing to let go of it all, then its not the best. To quote my favorite author "The good is the enemy of the best" - Oswald Chambers. I have a professor who has a great ministry and his church is literally changing the community they are in. He understands the mission God has called that local group of believers to accomplish. They focus everything on that one mission. He told me that three times God has taken him and his wife down to nothing and then build them up again. We need to be willing to let go of go