Denying Self

Next to John 3:16, I think Jesus' call for disciples (Mat. 16:24, Mark, 8:34, Luke 9:23) for me is the heart of the Gospel. There is nothing else in all the universe more important that this decision given to every human who ever lived (sorry Calvinists). Jesus Christ is the central Truth of all things and this one decision, made again and again, day after day, gives us the right to join with Him, to be one with Him, and to know Him. In Christ we receive and experience the fullness of all that God intends for our lives. Jesus already paid the price for this great and precious gift, this eternity of gifts. All we need to do is say no to self and yes to Jesus. As I have often said, "Its the simplest thing in the world, and its also the hardest thing in the world." Its as easy as living and as hard as dying. The death to self is difficult, but there's peace in it and the expectancy of new life. Even as our own life falls like a seed into the ground to die, we sense Jesus reaching out to us. In that moment the Holy Spirit sustains us and transitions us through death into life. In that moment, nothing else matters, not the opinions of man nor all the worlds wealth and power. Only Jesus extending His hand to us matters. From that point forward we serve Him, we submit our lives to learn and grow and serve and love. Jesus is our teacher who lead the way and stands as our ever living example. We live to hear His voice and receive His Word. We live to be a vessel crafted with the Master's own hands. From that point on we are called disciples. Thank You Jesus.

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