The Greatest Gift
This is the blessed message of Christmas, the good news that Jesus has come to be among us and to shine his light upon us. He is the one who brings hope to the hopeless and joy to the joyless. The words prophesied by Isaiah are fulfilled so powerfully in the New Testament when Jesus himself, the Word of the eternal God incarnate, stands before the crowds of people and utters those three great words “Come, follow Me.” What a joy it is to be in his presence, what fulfillment there is to sit at his feet and learn from him! I see that babe in a lowly manger, the King of kings, the Savior of the Word, and I want to fall on my face and worship him. I will lay my life down before him. I will follow Him wholeheartedly now and for all eternity. Thank you Father for your unfathomable love. Thank you for this wonderful and precious gift of your Son, Jesus Christ.