The Prayer of Relinquishment

Our journey in prayer should be a progression of growth and learning. Foster says we start out in a struggle of wills with God. "We beg, we pout, we demand. We expect God to perform like a magician or shower us with blessing like Father Christmas. We major in instant solutions and manipulative prayers." We can all relate. Its natural for us to come to God in this way, but our prayers should grow richer and more participatory. Foster says in time we should "begin to enter into a grace-filled releasing of our will and a flowing into the will of the Father. Its the Prayer of Relinquishment that moves us from the struggling to the releasing." Our spirit is willing, but our flesh is weak. Have you ever released something to God and felt the burden lift? A few times I've gone on backpacking trips carrying a 50 lb. pack. When I took that pack off at the end of the day, I felt like I was floating. Its the same when we finally release something to the Lord. Imagine what our Father thinks watching us struggle in our own power to carry a burden he is willing to take. Through the growth of prayer we learn to know God better and trust him more. He lovingly and patiently waits with us, pouring his Word into our hearts and filling us with his Spirit. He changes a heart of stone into one of flesh and we relent. If your not ready to release your burden to the Lord, then ask him to help you. Tell him you desire to release everything to him. The Holy Spirit will lead you to the place of relinquishing more and more to Jesus Christ.

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." 
Matthew 11:28-29

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