Isn't He
I love this song song by Natalie Grant. Do you ever feel like everything in you wants to just release worship and adoration to our King, our Savior, the Name above all names - this Jesus? Sometimes I wonder how we go on for so long without worship, without time in God's presence. We need to immerse ourselves in his presence and let ourselves feel the weight of his glory. We need to lift our whole self up as an offering to our Lord. We need to stand in awe and wonder bowed before him. It saddens me that so often in our churches we gather for so many other reasons and we try hard to maintain the proper composure and stick to the scheduled agenda. I'm all for structure and planning and order, but I'd like to see us schedule more time to be undone before the King. If we surrender ourselves to the working of the Holy Spirit would he be out of order? Would he be reckless with the living sacrifice of our lives? We might think so according to our own limited understanding, but we need to learn to trust the Holy Spirit. We need his life and his power. When we receive more of him everything will change.
I feel like God is calling us to a deeper place. Growth has come to some of our churches because we've been obedient to step into the river, to step into our communities and do our best to live for Christ. I feel like God is pleased with that, but we cannot stop there. He has so much more for us. The next step will be into deeper waters and a stronger current. The next step will move us deeper in heart and in Spirit. Church is certainly not about numbers, but we want to see many souls come to experience Jesus. I keep envisioning multitudes of faces standing before the throne of God. Tens of thousands worshiping and singing praises to our God. I see the same for some of our churches when the body of Christ spread out throughout our communities doing kingdom work, come together to worship with one voice. If one step into the water brought hundreds more people, then the next step will bring ten times more, and the step after that will bring one hundred times more. The steps come through worship, through the Word, and through prayer. We need to continue to seek the Lord and trust his Spirit.