One Day at a Time
A warrior looks only at the day at hand. They do not give in to the worry and anxiety that comes from looking ahead into any number of unknow possibilities. They do not allow their focus to wander from the task at hand which deserves their full attention. Often, a lack of focus can result in loss, the lack of vigilance can be devastating. A warriors focus helps prevent the mind from dwelling on fear of the moment and fear of the unknown. Thoughts of fear, shame, guilt, or doubt should signal a warrior to sharpen their focus, shift their mind back to the moment at hand. This happens again, and again, until patterns of discipline are formed. This is how we grow. Yes, we have failed many times, yes we deserve to feel shame and unworthiness, but the Spirit of God within is a constant reminder that we have been redeemed. We stand in the freedom of God's never ending forgiveness and abundant love. Fear is real and the unknown can destroy us, but a warrior knows they stand in the presence of the King. They know they have been given new mercies every morning to see them through. They trust the one who fights with them and for them. We step forward with confidence that He will never leave us nor forsake us. As we go, we think of how even our Lord was struck down by his enemies, his body bruised, beaten and buried. We feel his strength fill our hearts and we remember how even death could not hide him from the power of resurrection and the love of the Father. What could we ever lose when we walk in such company? We pause, take a deep breath, re-focus our mind and step forward.