Be part of the process
Seeing God move in your life always requires your participation. We are part of the process. God designed it that way because he wants to have relationship with us.
Maybe there are things in your life hindering your sensitivity to God. Maybe you need to plan some quiet meditative time. Maybe there are things you need to confess and make right with the Lord or with others. The Bible is clear that we need to love as we are loved and forgive as we have been forgiven. Maybe that is blocking your way.
Too often I have other things taking God's place in my mind. Things like anxiety, fear, worry, my own sense of inadequacy, my own doubts, my comfort zones, my lack of trust, and on and on. Sometimes we need to address idols in our life that have taken God's place. We need to confess those things to the Lord and allow him to restore us.
Whatever it is, make the time to let the Holy Spirit bring you through that separation. Get back to a place where you can participate with God to see his will done in your life.