Positioned to receive
In 2 kings 4:8-17 there is a story of a wealthy Shunammite woman who receives a blessing from Elisha. He prays that she will have a son and she does and when that son dies, Elisha prays again, and God brings the son back to life.
How do these blessings come about? It's because this woman positions herself to receive from the prophet. Rather than going about her business while the prophet passes by, she takes the time to offer him a meal. Sometimes positioning ourselves to receive from the Lord can be that simple.
Then the prophet stops in for a meal whenever he passes by. Then this woman decides to build a room for Elisha. Notice how the opportunity to spend more time with the prophet come because of the initial act of positioning herself to receive. Because of her kindness, Elisha prays for her to have a son.
We don't have to know all that God is doing or wants to do in our life. We just take the next step of obedience and be open to receive. Then take the next step and the next. God is faithful and he will respond to those who seek him.