Rebranding Christianity - Moving toward a solution

In this Rebranding Christianity book I'm working my way through, Jeff Jones makes it clear that the church is facing a problem. Our poor reputation and unfavorable brand perception needs to change. In chapter 6, he begins moving toward a solution.

Successful solutions start with recognition and acknowledgement that there is a problem. That means we have to stop, take a deep breath, and admit we may need to do some things differently.  This is usually the hardest step for us. Shouldn't we be better at this? The Bible literally talks all about change and transformation, dying to self and resurrection to new life.

Jones says, "Once we own the problem, we can work toward the solution." He defines the solutions for us as authentically living out "Jesus' brand in a way that people can see and experience." That will definitely require change in all of us, or as I like to call it, spiritual growth. It will require us to hold loosely to how we've always done church and allow the Holy Spirit to arrange thing as he sees fit.

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