The Interior Life - Prayer

Working on the interior life requires prayer. How else can you open your life to God? Prayer is communication at the deepest level. God is always presenting to us everything we need and can receive. For our part, we tent to hold back and edit our words and thoughts shared with the Lord. Prayer will teach us how to more fully open our inner man to the Holy Spirit. Persistent prayer will help us take full advantage of this precious time we have with God.

Rob Bell says "Prayer is getting rid of the edit button. You rip open your rib cage so that your heart can breathe." We need to pour out the frustration and futility of life to God. The prophet Jeramiah said it's like a fire shut up in his bones (Jer. 20:9). Prayer lets us release all the fire and weariness. We can exchange those things for renewed strength and joy. We can share our deepest cares, our purpose, and our cause with the Lord. This is the place where those heavy burdens can become light again.

These transactions and deep openness with God will build your interior life.

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