
The life of Christ flows through connection. His connection with the Father, our connection with Christ, our connection with the body, our connection with others. The life flows wherever we make a way for it to do so. What needs to be done to ensure these connections? Selflessness. This is the key to life in the kingdom. There is no reception of life and connection with God or others without the simple act of selflessness. It's that daily dying to self that Jesus spoke about so many times.

Any act of self-ness will disconnect us. We may not notice the effect at first. We can pull a plant up out of the soil, and it looks the same, but after a while it will begin to wither and die.

Does your life and relationship with God and others feel withered, tired, strained, or dying in some way? Start thinking about how you can restore those connections and let new life flow to them. 

You are the key. Start making selfless decisions and you will see a difference. Plant yourself back in good soil. The decision to be selfless will change you so that others can be changed through you. Jesus made a way for us so that we can make a way for others.

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