
Showing posts from August, 2009

An Eternal Mindset

As I heard the news this morning of Senator Ted Kennedy's death, I was reflecting on the sum of one's life. What will the sum of our life be once the years, days, and all the moments have been spent? Senator Kennedy certainly had influance in the world, and like all of us I'm sure some of it was good and some not so good. The question though is how will what we have done in the here and now effect eternity? We can make this world a better place, but if we are not sowing the Word of God and being Jesus to our generation, then we will pass into eternity without having contributed anything of lasting value. I am abundantly grateful to a God who loves me and has made a way before me. He has graciously given us His Word to guide us in living with an eternal mindset.

Standing Firm

Today we are having a party to celebrate how good God is. He is our Healer and our Provider. We are thanking God for healing Mykala Berberich from Lukemia. Life is about telling stories of all the good things the Lord has done in our lives. The Berberich family has been through alot this past year. I have seen many people turn and run at far less, but not them. They have stood firm and put their trust in the Lord. Standing to face the battles often means we just refuse to run, hide behind our shield of faith, and cry out to God our hero and deliverer. Slowly, the power of the Spirit fills our heart and mind and we stand up, dig our feet in, and start swinging our sword and excercising the power of God's Word. Then the enemy is driven back and the light of truth floods our situation. I was thinking about my good friend earlier this week, and God put this vision in my mind. I saw David on a battle field with about thirty men (that is profetic because he will be a leader who

Mindset of Worship

I have come to realize there are many kinds of churches in the world today. Most are nothing like Christ at all, but setting all that aside for a moment, I think there are two kinds of churches right now that are both passionate, productive, and love Jesus. One I'll call the Martha church. They are focused on people and their passionate about serving Christ. They are missional, desire to reach souls, and their involved in ministering to their community. The second type I'll call the Mary church. They two are missional, desire to reach souls and serve their community, but their primary focus is on being with Jesus. They have a worship mindset rather than a people mindset. They are missional because they are so in love with the Lord, they actually live it out all the time. They have come to realize they do not have to focus on people. They just need to focus on Jesus. I think Martha people are attracted to the Martha church and Mary people to the Mary churches. Most pe

Mindset of Love

I was thinking today about how love is the ultimate motivator. We are all motivated by love weather its love for God, love for money, love for our self, or any number of thing. When we really love something or someone, we'll do anything for them. I look out on the world today and I see a lot of people that love their self and act accordingly. As believers, what or who do we love? What motivates us, where is our focus, what are we talking about, what have we given our attention to. I am concerned about how many people I speak with who are concerned about all the wrong things. Its all religious of course and their motives are well intentioned, but its easy to see that often the root of their motivation is a love of self. There is hope though because Jesus made a way for us to deny our self. We have a wonderful opportunity to let self fall into the ground and die. What a great gift of obedience to Jesus. Self love will hinder our love for the Lord. The more we let go of sel

Missional Word Mindset

This post is coming to you in place of one I wrote yesterday which was basically an undiluted steam of thoughts from my logical, transformed mind. Although it was all witty and very true, I realized after thinking about it and listening to my wife's wise advice, that most people aren't really ready for raw truth. So anyway, Here's my true, still good, but diluted thoughts. Anyone who has been a part of church in the past few years should realize that things are changing. I'm glad and welcome it because God is changing. He is new every morning. We all like to find a nice comfortable place and camp out there, but we don't grow that way. I am excited to see believers who love the Lord moving their Christianity out into their community and workplaces. I think people who really get it have always been doing that, but for the rest of us, its good to have new constructive teaching on being missional. One concern or caution I have though is that the Word of God is th

To Live is Christ

I wanted to share an excerpt from "To Live is Christ" by K.P. YoHannan. You can listen to the whole message on Sermon Index . I love stories of real mighty men of God. One of the first places I went to serve God when I was a youngster was a place called Bundi, in the NorthWest of India. Hard difficult Hindus were there. Seven brothers and myself with Bibles and tracks, we went to this place and we got beaten very bad without mercy. One brother had blood begin to ooze down from the beating and we had to leave that place. Some years went by and a young 19 year old brother after finishing our Bible studies said to our leaders "Jesus want me to go to Bundi" they said "You! You are a little fellow and you are only 19 years old. Bundi is a dangerous place and you don't go". He said "But I prayed the whole year and I know Jesus wants me to go to Bundi". The senior brother said "Son, are you sure He wants you to go to Bundi" the boy