
Showing posts from November, 2007

The Journey Ahead

"The Road goes ev er on and on Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road h as gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some large r way Where many paths and errands meet And whither then? I cannot say." --- J. R. R. Tolkien "There is so much more to discover in this journey we are taking. More of the beauty of the Gospel to unveil. More of your own story to uncover and understand. More wisdom for the road. More cunning for the Battle." --- John Eldridge I like that part in "Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship" just after Frodo and Sam leave the Shire, when Sam stops and says "If I take one more step, it'll be the farthest away from home I've ever been." His next step will be all new. Thats what our journey of life is. Its letting the Holy Spirit lead you to new places and new discoveries on the way both terrible and wondrous. I like what John Eldrige says "There is much m

A Time to Give Thanks

God is so good to me I don't know where to begin to thank Him. Its only because of Him that I can give Him thanks. He gives me life and breath and a voice to speak, He gives me this appointed time on earth to live for Him, He has given me my precious Savior who makes all things possible. He has lavished His abundant grace and love upon me and all I can do is fall at His feet and worship. Thank you Jesus for my wonderful wife who you have given to me for ten awesome years as of tomorrow. She is amazing and sometimes I love her so much I can't breath when I think about it. She honors me and strengthens me and lifts me up because she loves the Lord with all her heart. She is the best example I know of someone who gives themselves sacrificially in service to others as she serves our family day after day. I am absolutely, 100% committed to spend everyday of the rest of my life with her, serving her, and loving her, and I know that everything God will do in and through our lif

A Time to Harvest

I've been thinking about my good friend Suresh Kumar who is the president of Harvest India. God has given this ministry tremendous favor and fruitfulness in India. We need to be doing the work of the Kingdom. Take a look at this video (Click picture to view) and support Harvest India with your prayers.

A Time to Worship

I woke up yesterday and the song on the radio said "Today is a day of battle", and believe me, it was. There are always battles to be fought, but the real battle for victory is when we are able to push through all the circumstances and distractions around us and walk in obedience to advance the kingdom. The victory comes in the peace and quietness that strengthens us when we submit our mind to the Holy Spirit. The battle must be won within. Then we go out and the Lord will go before us to accomplish His will. Today I woke up and the song on the radio said "Now is the time to worship", and I plan to do just that for He is a good God. His mercies are new every morning. Blessed are those who put their whole trust, their whole life into His strong hands. He will deliver us. He is a refuge to all who call upon His mighty name. There is no name like His name that is to be lifted up and exalted high above all things. He is the God who loves His people and gives H

OCD'ing on M&Ms

OK, am I the only person who can't eat peanut M&Ms without first separating them by color and then eating them systematically?

Living the Word

Is the Holy Spirit able to direct every moment of our lives? I hope your shaking your head yes. Do we know He can do a better job leading and guiding our life than we can? Again, that's a yes. I have found there are a lot of things that we know we need to do, but we don't do. Yielding my life to the Spirit's control is one of those things. Its a journey and it takes time, but its worth every step. Paul says we need to stand ready, positioned, expectant, and willing to sacrifice, yield, and surrender our daily, moment by moment life in a whole and complete and acceptable way to our Lord (Stephen's amplified version of Rom. 12:1). The first step in the journey is to ask the Holy Spirit for His help. Ask Him to help you let go. Ask Him to help you take the next step, and the one after that, and the one after that. That's how we live in His Word.

Spreading the Word

I was reading Acts 13 this morning, and I came across one of those verses that we normally read as part of the story, but I stopped and thought about the fact that when these mighty men of God spoke the Word in the power of the Holy Spirit, things happened. Are we teaching and preaching to hungry people? Are they begging us to come back next week to share the Word again? Verse 44 says the next day nearly the whole city assembled to hear the Word of the Lord. I want to see that happen in my city. I want to have that kind of hunger for the Word in my own heart. There is no lack of discussion now a days about how todays church can return to this early church model. There is no lack of theories and well thought out ideas, but in my humble opinion, all we need to do is YIELD to the Holy Spirit to have His way and spread His powerful, life-changing Word. "As Paul and Barnabas were going out, the people kept begging that these things might be spoken to them the next Sabbath. Now

Growing the Word

"But the Word of God grew and multiplied" Acts 12:24 This verse is one of my favorites. As I read that verse this morning, I realized how simple and whole and complete that verse is. It sums up for us this whole question of discipleship and church growth, and so many other issues we fret about. This early church, through their yielded lives, produced an atmosphere in which the Holy Spirit could grow the Word of God, or grow Jesus Christ in that community and the lives of every person they connected with. We like to make it about so many other things, but this life is never about anything but the Word being made flesh and dwelling among men. Lord, let my life be yielded, good ground in which your mighty Word grows in abundance for Your glory.

Under Construction

Tomorrow I'll be attempting to install a hardwood laminate floor in our living room. It shouldn't be too difficult, but thats what I always say. I know that two things always happen with remodeling projects. One, you always run into unexpected issues, and two, it always costs more than you planned. I've already experienced both those things with this particular project, so maybe the floor will go down smoothly.

Consumed by the Vision

I read the following excerpt this morning from "The Philosophy of Sin" by Oswald Chambers. Since we were talking about "Living in the Later", it struck me about how critical it is for us to walk in obedience to the vision of truth that the Holy Spirit reveals. Being open to the vision and walking in obedience will lead us to greater revelation. Take a look at the story of Cornelius in Acts 10 . Cornelius was obedient to the vision he received from the angel and he sent for Peter. He did not look at all the circumstances and consider that he was a gentile, but he considered the voice of the Lord and knew God would make a way to bring the Word to his home. At the same time God was preparing Peter with a vision which he also responded to and God was glorified through it all. Hold on to the vision God has given you. Follow it through until He completes it in your life. Don't be afraid to let your life be consumed by His vision and His voice. "The health

PeeBoo's BDay

I got to take my baby girl out on a date tonight for her 5th birthday. We started that tradition last year. She wanted to go to the Texas Roadhouse because she likes the bread and cinnamon butter. After that we went to the mall and headed to the jewelry and accessories store. I got her 5 rings , a bracelet, and a Bell Polly Pocket for $20. Pretty good. Then we got a milkshake and a giant gum ball. One the way home we were listening to worship songs on the radio and singing together. I looked over and she had her eyes closed and her hands raised. There's nothing better than seeing your kids loving Jesus for themselves. Daddy loves you PeeBoo.

Living in the Later

Don't raise your hand, but how many of you live in the later? OK, I'm raising my hand. I find myself feeling like I need to spend more time in the Word or more time in prayer or more time building relationships with others, but I always say I'll start that next week or do it tomorrow. I'm sure you know what I mean. The enemy is all for us doing good things as long as we do them tomorrow. He is OK with us walking in obedience as long as we do it later on. God expects us to obey in the now. There is no time with God. He lives in the now and always desires to transform our lives. There is never a moment when He does not want to pour out His love in and through us. When we give in to living in the later, we usually don't accomplish what we needed to do, and we also miss the moment. Every moment is a gift and an opportunity to know Christ more. One thing that has helped me to live in the now is to always respond to God right away. God may speak to you about s

Unconditional Blessing

“It takes me a long while to realize that God has no respect for anything I bring Him. All He wants from me is unconditional surrender.” —Oswald Chambers "My Utmost For His Highest" I think the church needs to realize this today. I think I need to realize this. We bring God so many things, methods, new paradigms and programs, but He has no interest in those things. All God has ever wanted is you and I. Its easier for us to turn our focus elsewhere and sacrifice what does not cost us something. Unconditional surrender will cost you everything. Its hard for all of us because our self wants its way, but I prefer to look at it as positioning myself for unconditional blessing. As I have said before, yielding to God is the easiest thing in the world and the hardest. Lets give Him everything and see what He will do. Lets walk with Him in the impossible places.

Vermont Trip

Kristen and I got to spend a few days in our favorite place, Stowe, VT for our 10 year anniversary. Here are a few pics of the village, the Green Mountain Inn where we stayed, a moose crossing sign which is as close as I could get to seeing a real moose, and my favorite waterfall . I have the most amazing wife in the world! God is so good to me.