
Showing posts from May, 2021

Good Morning

Good morning. Today is a new day. What will you do? How will your day go? At the end of the day will you feel you overcame some things? Will you feel stronger and feel your in a better place? Or will you feel defeated again. Will you feel shame or guilt or frustration at the end of the day. It's up to you! Be confident, be strong in the Lord, rise up and overcome today. You can do it. You will do it today!

See It Through

See It Through BY  EDGAR ALBERT GUEST   When you’re up against a trouble,     Meet it squarely, face to face; Lift your chin and set your shoulders,     Plant your feet and take a brace. When it’s vain to try to dodge it,     Do the best that you can do; You may fail, but you may conquer,     See it through! Black may be the clouds about you     And your future may seem grim, But don’t let your nerve desert you;     Keep yourself in fighting trim. If the worst is bound to happen,     Spite of all that you can do, Running from it will not save you,     See it through! Even hope may seem but futile,     When with troubles you’re beset, But remember you are facing     Just what other men have met. You may fail, but fall still fighting;     Don’t give up, whate’er you do; Eyes front, head high to the finish.     See it through!

The Value of Repetition

I was giving my kids some advice last night and my son said "I've heard that before." Good! We need to hear things over and over again before they sink in and take root. As a matter of daily habit, we should keep speaking good, positive, and encouraging words. Share the good news. Tell others all the good things the Lord has given you. I'm talking about the things you've been through, the stuff that has become a part of you. Not just a truth you've heard, but a truth you have become. Repeat those stories again and again because the value and efficacy of truth is unlimited. Truth holds value for all people in any situation. Always be ready to speak the life and truth of Jesus Christ into others.

One Step at a Time

Some days the pressure to lose your focus is relentless. The more un-disciplined and un-renewed our mind is, the harder it is to resist the urges of self wanting to do its own thing. Too many times, I've allowed myself to stop when I should have kept going. Our mind plays tricks on us and tells us its ok to rest and enjoy life for a bit. True enough, but there is a time and a place for rest and enjoyment. This is how we are so easily fooled. The enemy usually tells us truths at the wrong time in the wrong way. Was it wrong for Cain to honor the Lord with the fruits of his labor? No, but it was wrong to do so when God had commanded the offering of a different sacrifice. Was it wrong for Saul to make a sacrifice from the spoils of the battle with the Amelekites? No, but again, it was done in disobedience. When we give in to self, it grows stronger and harder to resist. We must discipline our minds to trust in the Lord and follow only his commands in his timing. Knowing what to do may

One Day at a Time

A warrior looks only at the day at hand. They do not give in to the worry and anxiety that comes from looking ahead into any number of unknow possibilities. They do not allow their focus to wander from the task at hand which deserves their full attention. Often, a lack of focus can result in loss, the lack of vigilance can be devastating. A warriors focus helps prevent the mind from dwelling on fear of the moment and fear of the unknown.  Thoughts of fear, shame, guilt, or doubt should signal a warrior to sharpen their focus, shift their mind back to the moment at hand. This happens again, and again, until patterns of discipline are formed. This is how we grow. Yes, we have failed many times, yes we deserve to feel shame and unworthiness, but the Spirit of God within is a constant reminder that we have been redeemed. We stand in the freedom of God's never ending forgiveness and abundant love. Fear is real and the unknown can destroy us, but a warrior knows they stand in the presenc


What do you do when you feel stuck in life. Everywhere you look there are dead ends with no way forward. You just see the same old thing day in and day out. You feel there is more, but can't see the way through. What do you do? Stop. Think. Focus. Wait on the Lord. Take a closer look through the walls in front of you. There is always a step to take. It may be very small and seem insignificant, but  that one step forward is what you need.  Trust the Lord that he has put a step there for you. You were not made to be stagnant. Do what it takes to change your vision just a little with each step. Soon you will see more and move forward faster. It all starts with that small seemingly insignificant step.

Warrior's Responsibility

The warrior is always aware of his or her responsibilities. Stand firm for those who don't have the strength you have or the truth you know. Don't blame them because they do not have eyes to see or ears to hear. Stand firm and fight to provide the space and time they need to hear and know, to see with spiritual eyes and change. God has always made a space for us so we may know Him. Can you make a space for others where they may encounter God through you or someone else? Be a shield against the driving wind and rains. Hold up the shield that the HS has forged in you over time. Use it to protect others. Take up your shield and sword and go hunting for the lions that are looking to devour your weaker brothers and sisters. So what if there is snow on the ground and you have a long journey. So what if you feel weak, cold, tired, and frustrated. Draw your strength from the Lord God your King and get it done!

Going Thru

The only way thru stuff is to go thru stuff. There are no shortcuts to make your way through successfully. You can however do your best to be prepared, be ready, stay vigilant. The way thru may be a little easier  when your prepared. In any case, there is always more to learn and experience.  

Try Thinking First

Do you sometimes feel you need to speak and express your opinion on something you don't agree with or when you may have been wronged? Do you just say what you want to say because it makes you feel better? Try thinking first.  Ask yourself "Will my comments be productive? Will they build up or tear down? Are my comments constructive?' Paul says "Why not rather be wronged. Why not rather be cheated" (1 Cor 6:7).  Make the choice to put yourself last. Be willing to be wronged when necessary in order to do the right thing and build others up for Christ sake.


Kingdom living means always being 'Other' focused. Think about how your words will affect this person whether they are present or not, whether they will every hear your words or not. Chose words that will honor that person who God loves. We have a choice no matter what the situation. This gets difficult and even near impossible when we think with our own minds rather than the mind of Christ. Stop, take a breath, ask the Holy Spirit to renew your mind and fill your heart with His love... and then speak .